This years nationals was held in Nashville, and while it was very close to home, it was still exciting to see 18,000 high school students in our city. Practicing is always a must when it comes to the presentation aspect of DECA, and at the national level, there is a new desire to win. Reed and I competed on Monday at 2:20. Up until that specific time, we were rehearsing lines, tone, and facial expressions. When walking into the new Music City Center and seeing your opponents, your adrenaline rises to an all time high.
The first presentation when well. There was little stuttering, and no lines missed. It could not have gone better. After that, Reed and I were hoping to make it to finals. The way the competition works is simple. The community service project category was divided in sections A-J with 17 groups in each section. Top 2 teams from each letter section advance to finals. Knowing this, Reed and I were very anxious to find out if we continues on in the competition.
Tuesday morning we attended the mini awards session, where students discover who advances onto the final round. That is when we were called on stage-Reed and I advanced onto the next round!
After that, we headed straight back into the competition, presenting our project to 2 new judges. This presentation we gave it our all, and came out feeling confident and nervous.
That night, the final awards were announced. Top 10 teams made it on stage, and top 3 get the glass. Sitting and waiting for 2 hours for our event to be called was the most nerve racking experience of my life. When community service was called, Reed and I were the LAST team called, making us have a mini heart attack.
We ran to the stage, only to discover that we won 3rd place in the entire competition. We were so excited and proud to discover that all of our hard work had paid off.
We could not have achieved this goal without the help of our marketing teachers, and everyone who donated to Inspiring to Include. DECA ICDC was one for the books.