Friday, February 12, 2016

Exploring the World of Business

 While deciding what I wanted my career path to be, I was inspired by my parents. Growing up with my parents owning their own business, I was surrounded by "business lingo" and discovered the complications of communication early on in my childhood. By being surrounded by two business majors, I quickly learned that it is naturally something I have always wanted to become a part of. Throughout school, I have always had the mindset that business and marketing is something I want to become a part of due to the success of my parents. Going to business meetings, and filing paperwork at their office taught me the dirty work of the job, but also how exciting it can become. Marketing is exciting to me because I am able to talk to others, and create new relationships with businesses and people that were not existent before. 
      During my 20% project, I am looking to explore a new aspect of the business path: teaching. My journey is partnered with the help of Coach Yarbrough's Principles of Business class. Through being a part of her class every Friday, and discovering the background work that goes on with her lesson planning and teaching skills, I will hopefully learn if business and marketing teaching is the right path for me. Although I have a background in the marketing world because of my involvement with DECA, I also want to learn about the other business program offered at Station Camp: FBLA. By learning about how the class works, I will also be able to give feedback about my DECA experiences, and hopefully be able to intrigue Coach Yarbrough's class to become involved in more. DECA has helped me create communication skills, and the basics of marketing so far. By taking on this 20% project task, I am hoping to further my knowledge.
     During this project, I will need to be prepared to open m mind up to new job paths. Although I am set on becoming a small business owner or being a sales and communications director of a larger corporation, being prepared to change a job path is a common event in college. By learning different areas in high school, I am going into college with a more focused goal. By doing this, I will be shortening my time tiptoeing around my career at the college level.
     As explained above, there are many aspects as to why I want to become Coach Yarbrough's TA. From learning about further business techniques and job paths to teaching classes and developing new communication skills, nothing but positive things will become the end result of this experience. Being able to incorporate my DECA project into this experience will also help my final presentation. At the end of this semester, I hope to present my project thoroughly to both Coach Yarbrough and Mr. Dittes


  1. I can't wait to learn about business techniques and communication skills. This sounds like an excellent project!

  2. You have a very clear goal, and I'm glad that you're branching out to FBLA which is a FBLA-bulous club! You have an excellent teacher as a mentor, too, Ms. Yarborough.
